David & Goliath: What is strength?

 1 Samuel 17

GOLIATH: To the world, he is seen as strong- you physically wouldn’t want to ever face him let alone battle him. He has the height, strength and stance to make you want to run away. 1 SAMUEL 17:4-7
DAVID: A man of faith, he is actually STRONGER than the giant- this being only because of one reason- HE HAS GOD! God is his STRENGTH
In fact- He wins the battle with the 5 stones he had. His faith in the LORD was all he needed 1 SAMUEL 17: 37
Strength: This being something that the world see’s as muscles, toned and physically fit. But that’s actually incorrect. You can only be strong from one source- that is the LORD! This strength can go against ALL giants, ALL powers- EVERYTHING.
GIANTS: In life we face many giants, but how are we meant to keep up and defeat them? There’s only one answer to that- that is the LORD. He is how we fight our battles. He is the only way. Put your full armour of God on every single day- ask for your strength- God will give it! This strength comes from only HIM. Your giant may seem massive,. But to God that is minor- He is bigger than all your problems!
DAVID: Has his armour on but takes it off- He had not tested it nor could walk with it on. The world can offer you it’s ideal strength- physically it seems strong but it won’t let you even walk with strength, it’s non-existent. He was himself, BUT he had GOD- his strength came from God not the armour or sword. 1 SAMUEL 17:39

You can train your body all you want- but you won't be strong. You need to be in the Word, talking to Our Father, putting the whole armour of God on and being filled with the Holy Spirit. That is the only strength you need and that is the only way you can have true strength.

Our strength comes from the LORD- creator of the heavens and earth!

God Bless!  

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