♡ My Testimony ♡

All my life, since a young child, I have always believed in God and would call myself a Christian with ease. I went to Sunday School, Church, my parents brought me up as a Christian. But there came a time where I thought I said the sinner's prayer- I saw thought because I didn't actually confess with my mouth but each night I would repeat it because I thought the last time didn't count ( I was only young). Then high school came and I would still call myself a Christian to anyone who'd ask and I definitely believed. In all honesty, I was calling myself a Christian without knowing what it truly meant to be one. Skip forward to 2018 after falling away by being TOO much of this world and being selfish, materialistic, anxious, having panic attacks, fearing every single thing that could possibly exist, watching horror movies for a thrill, listening to music that didn't promote God but the world - little did I know, I was inviting a devil to personally get in my head from doing all of this, I was inviting him in by entertaining the things of him and not God! I'd always feel a heaviness on my chest- constantly! I would put it down to panic attacks but now I truly know the reason- the devil had it's chains all wrapped around me pushing me right down.
So, 2017 I began University- something I THOUGHT I was passionate about - notice thought being in capital letters? Yeah- lil miss who thinks she knows everything here got it wrong! So now we are in 2018- the start of the year God really got my attention with something that happened right at the start of the year-all from that moment I went through ALL kinds of emotions. Little did I know, God was strengthening me and preparing me. 
At the start of university, I thought yes this is everything I've ever wanted wow look at how amazing this place is! Ha- slowly one by one, everything about university started to beat me down one by one leading to me to be filled with fear, anxious and to ultimately begin to stop eating- it really impacted, my love for my course was being shrunk as I began to have no motivation to even go. It got to the day before my first ever proper assignment due date, I had been putting it off because of all that was going on- usually with things like that I am the first to just get it done and to understand this. But for some reason, I had no motivation to do it, I couldn't get my head around the assignment or anything and no-one could help me. Throughout this time, I still would be praying every night but again little did I know God had something greater for me- I just had to seek him. That very night- I made the decision to leave university the following day- and I did, weirdly everything went so smoothly and easy, but I remember the exact moment I was walking back to my flat thinking, well where do I go from here- what am I meant to do.  Next thing you know, I got accepted STRAIGHT away into a college for my course and this way I'd be able to be with my boyfriend and take a different route- this is something I came across before choosing university but just put it down. God will make a way- I'm telling you that now! So, there was a period that I was with my boyfriend for a long period every day- and it was from this that both of us started to get into the Word, I brought my Bible to his flat and started to watch Bible Project- I didn't straight away go to my Bible til one day I was like 'pass me my Bible please' then from then it all changed. From thinking reading a verse a day and then going back into the world to where I am today- I am so thankful! From that moment, I got stronger and stronger as everything seemed to fall into place, I had nothing to do, so I would spend each day in my Bible, watching Christian videos, learning more about God and myself! Then skip forward to 3rd June 2018- the night of this date, both myself and my boyfriend accepted the LORD into our hearts, repented and confessed with our mouths! God put us together for a reason, as throughout my journey we both were strengthening together and getting closer to God together! After I accepted the LORD, I brought a notebook, to begin a Bible Journal, and every day I would be in the Word, learning more and more - understanding things I never used to understand when I tried to read before! I remember trying to read Genesis and the first few lines baffled me, for some reason I couldn't get my head around it- it was because I went in without the Holy Spirit. Each day, more and more , I learn more and the LORD helps me understand and gives me wisdom and helps guide me and so much more- more than I could ever imagine. I even was led to create a new Instagram named ' Grace Over Pride' which the LORD helped me name as I was trying all different names then I came across James 4:6- and I knew then that God led me to that so it instantly came in my head- Grace Over Pride- and it was the only one that worked.
 Every day I am working on my relationship with him and my faith as well as myself. Not only have I noticed changed about me but my boyfriend and family have- that means a lot to me because I know God is chipping away at me helping me along my way. I can tell you something straight away- those panic attacks have gone, my fear is for the LORD, I don't have the obsession with the world and the things in it- I long and thirst for Christ, I want to live my life to serve him and only him! I want to be only walking down the narrow path- God has done so many things in my life, things I didn't even realise until getting close to Him that all this time- he was preparing me, and leading me to these moments! I feel reborn and new- I am born again! Since then I feel like a completely different person as the way I put it is that God has taken the worldly lens' that I had on and gave me brand new lens' which have adapted my sight to see everything in a different way!
Fast forward to today- every morning, day, night I have sat down in my little corner, made time for Jesus- and have been stuck in the Word, learning new things every time. The Holy Spirit guides me in ways you couldn't imagine! The LORD is always with me, I turn to him for everything! Yes, I can fall sometimes into the world but the LORD has given me strength to bring myself back through him - for example, I kept going on social media rather than having Bible time and study- so I was led to fast for 3 days and the desire for social media has been removed thanks to God! He has strengthened our relationship- and it will continue each and every day!

Thank you to the LORD, for everything he has done in my life to shape me to be who I am today- LORD thank you for guiding me and never leaving me- thank you Jesus Christ for dying on that cross for all of our sins- you took the punishment for us - you have given us that chance LORD to be with you forever and ever! Thank you God for using your only son! All glory to God for he is amazing in every single way!
I pray this helps anyone who the LORD guides to read this and make the best and biggest change in their life which is turning to Jesus and repenting! 


♡ Being the LIGHT in this world ♡

" You are the light of the world."- Matthew 5:14

As a Christian, the Bible tells us that we are the light in the world- the light that shines in the darkness. But what does this exactly mean?

What does being the light mean?

From reading my Bible and with the guidance of God, I have come to an understanding on what this means. We need to be the light in this dark world for it is filled with sin! We can't be flickering, we can't be turned off because through having Jesus within us we are SHINING bright and we need to show the difference. Love is one of the differences we can make- show how you love not through words but actions through Christ, show that you love everyone as it should come from genuinely within - even your enemies. Kindness- this can be hard to find in this world so we need to be filled with it as we know we have it when we have Jesus as we can spread his Word, we can show it through our acts of helping those in need. BUT not be like those who help to brag or showcase how many people they have helped- but do it out of the good, kindness and love in your heart as that's where the Holy Spirit is living.

When I think of light, I think of it being bright, it allows you to see what you thought you could see in the darkness.

Jesus is the switch of our lights,  if we turn that on that switch we are lit and are so bright and we can be the light in this dark world. With Jesus as the switch, he will never turn it off , the only way for us to turn it off is if we do through us turning away and becoming part of the darkness. We won't flicker like a bulb going out because God is everlasting and if we turn to him and never look back our lights will always stay bright because we have the switch of Jesus. We are the only reason for it flickering, that's when we need to look at ourselves and ask if I am putting God first or me and the world?
As soon as we turn that light on we can notice changes- things we couldn't see before when we were walking in the dark. Why? : Because without God we are nothing- we're like a light bulb that hasn't been turned on- we're meant to provide the light and the switch is right there, we need to find it and turn it on. This is just like how Jesus is standing there with his arms wide open and we are blinded by the world and have turned our backs but  as soon as we turn around, and see him- he takes off that blindfold and you can see a whole new world and path. Without being the light, it's so easy to walk down the broad path because you know most people are walking down there as it's so easy to find. Where as with the light you can now see the narrow path and you can walk down there with God guiding you. 

" The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."- John 1:5 

How can I find that switch?

If you're wondering where or how you can find that switch to turn on your light- it's simple. Turn to Jesus, know he is your saviour and that he died on the cross for your sins and repent of all your sins! Accept Jesus into his heart! Once you do that, everything falls into place, you'll be filled with a peace and with a new kind of love you didn't think was possible! Get your heads into your Bibles and absorb the Word and meditate on it so you can apply it to your life now. All the answers are in there because that is God's Word! God is always there for us, we just need to talk to him, praise him - through Jesus he hears our prayers and he can guide us down that narrow path leading to everlasting life!
"The faithful love of the LORD never ends!"- Lamentations 3:22
With God , there is no end to his love - he will always provide- nothing is impossible to him! SO, turn to Jesus- become the light in this dark world and spread the love of Christ and the Word of God!

Ways for me to shine my light:

1. One of the major ways to shine your light is through sharing the Word- to be able to spread the Word you need to be reading it yourself and absorbing it so you can gain understanding and wisdom!
2. Fear the LORD, not the world! Don't give into the world and the devil- satan wants you to be scared of him as it opens a gateway for him to plant fears and doubts! He wants you to move away from God and come more into the world! With God- be firm in your faith and FEAR HIM ONLY!
3. One of the greatest commandments in the Bible and the most important- as said by Jesus himself- is to love God and love others! This is where "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." - Galatians 5:14 Comes into place as we need to be loving one another not just through words but through actions! Neighbour is everyone- your enemies included! You should bless them not curse them! This is where people will notice a difference and your light will come through as they see that you are slow to anger! We should helping our brothers and sisters in Christ when we can- reach our our hands to them and help them! Give God ALL the glory!
4. Our ways will be changed through God's guidance- but we should be trying to be more like Jesus in his characteristics and actions- he always showed love, he showed love for God and everybody else! He followed the commandments set out by our Father and he respected them! He prayed to God and praised him! He spread the Word of God- he understood the scriptures and applied it to his life! He was unbelievably kind- he stood up for God in the temple! We should grow to these characteristics as Jesus lives in us! The Holy Spirit will guide us and our mind - we need to pray -repent and spread the Word!
5. We should forgive others as God forgives us! God won't forgive us if we can't even forgive our brothers and sisters- how can we expect him to! This shines the light in this dark world as people hold on to grudges and don't forgive in this world today- so we need to show love through forgiving all!
6. Avoidance of sin- yes we can fall into it but we shouldn't be looking out of our way to join it and have a mentality of ' Oh I can repent'! NO! Let me stop you there- that is the devil talking, he wants you to abuse God's love and faithfulness and compassion! There is a difference between knowing and wanting to sin or that your about to sin and not knowing that you did sin! God will correct us and speak to us if we don't know what we are doing is a sin- he has done it to me and he showed me a scripture to show me the way!
7. Wear the Armour of God:
This is what I made on the Armour of God for those who are unsure on what exactly it is-

These are some of many ways we can be the light in this dark world! Most importantly is that you seek God and read the Word so God can speak to you through it and show you the way! He knows all things before you even think it- he knows everything - he is our Father and loves us unconditionally! Turn to God first- he will provide and guide you! The Word is his own and it will give you guidance, correction, wisdom, understanding, love and more! God will use it to show you the way as well as speaking to you in many other ways!
All Glory goes to God as he has guided me with this post as I started it a week or so ago and struggled to finish it- but he has showed me the way and spoke through me today and I pray it speaks to at least one of you!

Thank you for reading this! Thanks to God for guiding you to read this and for him giving me this opportunity to write this message which he has led me to do! He knows all things and he is there for you at any time! Turn to Jesus, accept him as your saviour, that he died on the cross for you and repent of your sins so you too can be saved and become the light in this world!
 God Bless you all- have a wonderful day! ♡


♡ What we can learn from... Ruth ♡

From studying the book of Ruth, there were a few things that I learnt and that I could apply to myself or even what we could all learn from! With that being said, I thought I would share some key ideas that I noted down through my study!
Just from reading chapter 1, I grasped a lot about Ruth as a person through how she handled the situation she was in! So my first few points are from just the first chapter:

♡ 1. Ruth is very kind-hearted as well as self-less as this is shown through how she put Naomi [her mother-in-law] before herself. Both of them had now lost their husbands and Naomi her children- but despite the pain from the loss Ruth may have felt she still prioritised Naomi unlike Oprah who just went! 
How can we be more like Ruth Today?
We can be more like Ruth through re-evaluated who we put first in our lives. Of course, God is number 1 but do we just think about ourselves? God doesn't want us to be selfish- Jesus was never selfish- He died on the cross for our sins, he could have easily been selfish and put himself first through thinking about the pain he would have been in- but no, he did it through love! We should be prioritising the people around us out of love, not to just think about how it can benefit us- God does want us to step out in faith in times! Just think about the story of Peter and Jesus when walking on water! God wants us to sometimes step out, but with the focus on Jesus we can too walk on the water, but as soon as we drop that focus, we become panicked and begin to sink! We need to stop the whole attitude of " but what can I get out of this? but what about me?" because we need to be compassionate, caring and loving! Another thing I learnt from her is that what she said, she stuck to, she made a promise and kept it- sometimes life can get in the way of promises we have made, but through love of our neighbours, sometimes we need to try our hardest to make these things happen if it's the matter of helping someone else not just ourselves! If God had the attitude like we sometimes had, think of all them promises that would have been broken right now! God is so loving and compassionate to us- we need to show love in the world! 

" Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay."- Ruth 1:16

♡ 2. What I learnt from Naomi in this chapter is that she has doubted God as well as even accuse him of 'afflicting' her as she even changes her name to 'Mara' because she states that the "Almighty has made my life very bitter". 
What can we learn from this Today?
The first major thing we can learn is to NOT doubt God - not even the smallest bit! He may be silent but we need to remember in these times that he is still working for us, to give us something better- he doesn't want us to suffer , he's working even in his silence- he is always there! Another thing that I learnt is that falling away from faith can only make you BITTER- just see how Naomi blames God, as she is giving into evil because of her attitude towards God - rather than trusting she's putting God down! That is what the devil wants! In times like this, the devil will plant thoughts to make you doubt God because he doesn't want people to go to God- the devil will even dangle things that you want and desire infront of you to make you go off track and follow him instead! This is why we need to be firm and strong in our faith- of course we can get negative thoughts as nobody is perfect, but we need to be the ones who pray straight away to God to help you, or even tell the devil to just GO! The devil may think he's got the world in his hands, just remind him of where he is heading that will make him run a mile! Whenever we feel things whether it be happy or sad or angry- the first thing we should do is turn to God, not to the world which is filled with evil, manipulation and the devil! 

Then I moved to the next chapter and this is where Boaz was introduced and then picked on some other points through what God had spoke to me that may help us:

♡ 3. Boaz is filled with kindness, something this world lacks for sure, he is loving to ALL not to just some people, but ALL as he has love for those who work for him, who work alongside him, strangers- everyone! Also, he always is praising the LORD- I found him to be someone who we should be like through the way he is filled with love and kindness and it's not a selfish or fake love, it's love that is within his heart through following the LORD! This showed me that I personally need to let down that guard more and love all, and show the joy that I have within my heart as Jesus is living there! Another thing is that we all should just be praising the LORD when we can, there's no need to be afraid or shy, we should be giving God all the glory and love! LOVE EVERYONE!!

♡ 4. God is working through Boaz and Ruth. God may seem silent, but he is working- he is working in ways you wouldn't think of! Nothing is impossible with God! He makes things happen through different paths and ways, as we may take the wrong turn but he will always re-route us! This is why we need to have FAITH always and TRUST in him! The LORD can use the most UNEXPECTED person in your favour, he's doing it for us because of the love he has for us! We just need to always trust in him, even in the times where we feel like he is silent!

♡ The OVERALL message: ♡

God is always working, even when it may seem not that way- he will always provide in his own timing! Our timing is never his timing- remember that!
The LORD will use the most unexpected people to speak, help and provide for you! Ruth stayed and Oprah went- Naomi thought there was no hope but God never left her, he stayed and walked with her through the tough times and rewarded her in the end as he always provides! God will answer your prayers. We must remember that God works in many ways and in his own timing as he wants the best for you!
How we can apply this to our life?
Remember that even when it feels like your prayers aren't being answered- he is working for you! Trust in the LORD always and he will provide! PATIENCE!
Be kind and self-less like Ruth as she also lost her husband too and was still putting Naomi first. Put God first and others before you- selfless, be loving and humble!
The good will come and God is always there! He is constantly guiding us and shaping us for the best!

Thank you for reading this! Thank you to the LORD for using me to write the post to help myself in ways to shape me as a person as well as for whoever was led to read this post today! All the praise to God- God Bless, hope you are having a lovely day/night whenever you are reading this! 


♡ We are living in the LAST DAYS ♡

If there is ONE message that I want to put across today it is that: 
Time is coming to an end, we don't know when the end is as only God knows that but it is so important that we are serving the LORD, sharing his Word and helping people turn to Jesus! For those who don't/ do believe but are unsure- I pray that this post guides or helps you and that God speaks to you so you too can turn to Jesus, repent of your sins and accept him as your Saviour before it is too late! Fellow brothers and sister's: We must keep sharing the Word and spreading love all over the world because you know how we are living in the last days as Jesus has shown us the signs throughout the Bible. Make sure you are right with God before it too late! ♡

Throughout my recent Bible studies, I have been constantly guided to one major thing throughout the Bible- the end times. God even recently spoke to me through a dream that I had about it that I will share at the end of my post! I know God is showing me these things to prepare me as a Christian as well as to share the Word and help people come to him!

A few weeks ago I was reading 1 and 2 Timothy , and it really spoke to me as when I was reading it, it felt like I could relate everything to what is happening in this world right now! I was so amazed by how powerful and amazing God is because he truly is! One major theme throughout the end times is the emphasis on false prophets and doctrines as well as being firm in our faith. Now we are in the end times, we more than ever need to be growing and being firm in our faith and relationship with God, we need to be working on it and worshipping, praising , talking to him, reading the Word, acting on it and spreading it! We need to be so aware of the things that are happening around us , we can't just sit there and be blind to it, things that the Bible have told us will happen in the last days are happening right now!

What do you mean it's the Last Days?

" The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, who consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry, and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth." - 1 Timothy 1:1-3

" But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self- control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."- 2 Timothy 3:1-5

God is telling us even from when the Bible was written back them about today. All these things are happening as I even type this post. Everywhere you look, people showing off their money and wanting money, being money minded, wanting loads of money, loving themselves and giving into their own selfish desires- Social Media is filled with it! People will slander against their exes, family, friends and not forgive when somebody has does something wrong- instead they gossip and show them cruelty. People are so vain and proud of themselves, it's everywhere- this is me just picking up ONE of MANY things that are happening around us.
Look at the amount of people turning against one another, countries who are against one another, " Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom."- Matthew 24:7 
When the disciples ask Jesus about the last days Jesus tells them how there's going to be "famines and earthquakes in various places."- Matthew 24:7 - I could pull up so many articles of them happening over the past years- they are happening all around us! Yet these are what the start is , and we have been going through this for many years- For 1,000 years here is only a day in Heaven- it's God's timing. 
" Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me." -Matthew 24:9 - This is happening, if you google Christian persecutions, they are there! Non- Christians have such wrath for us in today's world, they mock us and laugh at us and argue against the truth BUT Jesus has warned us! These things are happening! 
If you want an insight to events that have been happening but haven't been put on the news- I suggest watching 'The Two Preacher' on YouTube! It opened my eyes to what is going on behind the media- we must keep watch it's even said in the Bible! "Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your LORD is coming." Matthew 24:42
We need to be aware of these things happening and alert because we need to be prepared as we do not know when the LORD is coming.
" Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."- Matthew 24:12 
In today's generation, there is so much bitterness and vengeance and so little love and Jesus told us this, there has been such a rise within crime and wickedness it's hard to hear anything positive on the news anymore nowadays, but that's why we have to stand together as brothers and sisters in Christ till the end and just spread the word and love of Jesus Christ no matter what evil may try come knocking on our door because we have God and God is the most powerful EVER!

How can WE be prepared?

One major way for us to be prepared is through us going deep into the Word and understanding it. Whether it being about the end times or about your own character or to seek help, we need to seek God before anything else and one way of that is through the Bible as he will speak to us through his Word! Another way, is to keep praying , and talk to God- want to thank him? Praise him, Pray to thank. Want to ask for something? Pray and talk to him- he will answer!
He is our Father and he will be coming to bring his children home! We need to remember that we are his children, he is waiting for us, and we are waiting for that day that only he knows! Another way to be prepared is through who we surround ourselves with, we need to stick together and SPREAD THE WORD as individuals and together as we are brothers and sisters! Yes, we will have non-believers around us, of course- and through them we still can witness to them through the Word as well as through us being the light in this world! By being the light, we need to be joyful and show Jesus' love and compassion through our ways as well as spreading the Word of God!
"Have nothing to do with such people."- 2 Timothy 3:5 
By this Paul is showing us that we shouldn't be part of their ways as sometimes you can get mislead by friends- it's all about us being firm in our faith. Remember- we are in the world and shouldn't be of it! We are not perfect in any way- this is why we need JESUS and to help people turn to him!
God will guide us to the right people and we can spread his Word and love! We have got to be walking right with God, it's not about knowing the Bible inside and out to just recite verses and verses- God wants a special personal relationship with us, he wants us to understand the Word and not to just read it to remember it like we have a massive quiz on it. No-one is better than the other for knowing the Bible more, we are all equally loved by Jesus, when we sin, our sins are equal no matter what! We need to up lift one another through the love of Jesus Christ and the Word!

Thank you for reading this! This is only an insight to the Last Days as for today this is what I've been led to talk about! Comment or Message/Tweet me any posts you'd like me to write on whether it's a topic, Bible story, end times or even for a 'When you're feeling...' ! I'd like to thank God for providing me with this opportunity to speak out to whoever has been lead to read this! Let's spread the Word of Jesus Christ and Spread LOVE!
God Bless! Hope you have a wonderful day!


On the night I had this dream, I had continuous dreams that seemed to follow on from one another- they all linked with the end times! 
One of them started where all Christian women and men were split up and we were all almost piled up together and they're were men and women dressed in black killing us. One man was stoned to death but he looked still filled with Joy because he knew where he was heading! The one man who stoned him looked straight at me and I can still remember his face even a week on from the dream, he had a weird black hat on that led to a point, black hair and two curls that came either down out either side of his face! The floor was all cobbled up, and next to me and my nan was a shopping centre, and I was trying to protect her by telling her to slide in the centre without being seen. But then I woke up!
Then I went back to sleep and myself and my boyfriend were in this building that we were working but everyone there knew we were Christians and plotted against us- there was one guy there that we both made friends with and my boyfriend had a headset on to speak through( his number was 312,), but the friend came out to us as he knew we were hiding and he shook our hands and kissed our cheeks. All of a sudden, 3 women had 3 different guns and were shooting at us. One was tiny ( this women was a lot older,) and one was like a bow ( This woman had blonde straight hair like the women in the previous dream, still wearing all black,)- and they were all shooting and chasing us but not one bullet reached us because we had God guarding us! As we were running away- I dropped my phone, then never picked it up because myself and boyfriend were just running. 
Then I woke up- went back to sleep and this was the last chunk of my dream so bare with haha! Throughout this dream, me and my boyfriend are NON STOP running and holding hands, we are never once out of breath, never stop to rest, we just keep running! We were running to get away, and were running through the streets, and most people were out on the streets because EVERYONE  was just manic! There was people selling drugs and stealing them- violence- stealing off people- just everywhere! But throughout this, we were calm, never scared because we just kept praying out loud and praising God. Someone tried to sell us drugs but I shouted you need Jesus not drugs! God was constantly protecting us! Then one person was trying to grab my shoes while I was running, so I literally just flicked them off for him, and I still was running despite not having any shoes on, just socks on the concrete floor- still running, still not stopping! We had SO much strength and energy! Usually  I can't even run for a second without getting out of breath so this was a shock haha! One guy, was wearing a open shirt, shades and was strolling past us, he did not have any fear, he shook my boyfriends hand- he was calm like us and just kept walking! Then a man in a black suit, black shades, black car (Range Rover with tinted black windows) was trying to follow us and get us as if he was part of the government or something along them lines! But we still didn't stop running- at one point I tried to use a bike, but I couldn't ride it so all we did was keep running without getting out of breath! I asked my boyfriend where we were running to and he replied 'the Ocean' but then God spoke in my ear to say go join the others who were lined up praying and praising God- so we did! The people that were there were people you wouldn't have even thought would be there- it was amazing, we joined them and my dream ended with me starting a worship song to praise God as everyone joined in!

Then I woke up, shared it with my boyfriend and parents- and my dad told me to read Isaiah 40:31.
This gave me reassurance on the reason why I could keep running without being out of breath constantly, I just kept going!
The end times are now and we need to be prepared- this dream really showed me as I still now can picture the scenes of my dream and what happened exactly and it's been like a week! That's how I know it's from God! We need to turn to Jesus and spread his Word before it's too late!

♡ Are you OF this world Or just living IN it? ♡

One thing that I have discovered so far on my journey with Christ is that you can't call yourself a Christian if you are still desiring things that are of this world. Their is a distinct divide between being OF this world and just living IN it.

Am I being OF this world?

Do you find yourself prioritising selfish desires and materialistic things or even just following the world and wanting to do what other people do and envying them? Then we need to just stop right there- if you are even thinking about yourself and materialistic things before you're thinking about GOD and having time with JESUS then you need stop and be still and ask for forgiveness and for God to guide you out of the broad path and into/ along the narrow through him! If you haven't already- accept Jesus into your life as your saviour! For he is the way, the truth and the life! We can only get through to God through Jesus for he died on the cross for our sins and rose again 3 days later! 
Think how much time you spend with Jesus compared to the time you are doing things of this world- is it balanced? Are you more in the world?  OR are you living in the world serving God and meditating on the Word and applying it to your life? Or do you find yourself just being completely in the world?

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." - Romans 12:2

What do I mean by 'Things of this world'?
  • Gossiping- are you finding yourself falling into the gossip of the world? Where all that is on your tongue is about people or spreading rumours or even about celebrities and what people have been doing? We can stop this through our walk with God- dedicate ALL of you not some of you! Have the Word of the the LORD on your tongue and spread his love and Word!
  • Materialistic Things- Of course, in this world we need clothing and things to help us get by, but there is a difference between a NEED and a WANT. God will provide us with everything that we NEED as nothing is impossible with God! If you find yourself desiring things that other Instagrammers or your friends have rather than desiring and working for your relationship with God to become stronger, you need to step your feet out of the world and STAND FIRM in Faith with Jesus!
  • The world's word- In this world, I see with my own eyes the distinction between wisdom of the world and the REAL wisdom of God- people find themselves believing into the GOSSIP of the world and what SOCIETY says is right and wrong when God even tells us that wisdom and understanding only comes from him as the beginning of that is FEAR OF THE LORD! " The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." - Proverbs 1:7
  • Loving the world- In 1 John he tells us straight up that we can't be loving the world and anything of it because the world is corrupt and filled with sin so how can we love this? " Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them."- 1 John 2:15 We need to be loving one another not the materialistic things and ways of this world for we are here to serve God and spread his word! There is a difference between love in this world- there's the love of this world, which leads to jealousy and bitterness because the love is about materialistic items and money- where they're is the love of Jesus which lives in those who have accepted him and repented, you feel peace and a genuine joy and love for all your brother's and sister's in Christ no matter who they are! 
  • Self Absorbed- If you are putting yourself before others and most importantly GOD then you need to think : what am I doing wrong? You're putting yourself and your own selfish circumstances before spending time with God or before helping others then you need to stop and speak to God, ask for forgiveness and guidance! For example- you can't be praying on your terms and when you need something- or even if you have said your going to do this Bible study or going Church and then let a 'bad hair day' or the 'weather' stop you? Why are you making excuses? There's no excuses when it comes to God- did he make an excuse when he told Moses to save his people and thought about himself before them? No. Did Jesus think of a selfish excuse on why he couldn't help or heal someone in need? No. Most importantly- Did Jesus put himself first and decide not to die on the cross for ALL so that YOU could have a relationship with God and be rewarded through him and to be saved? NO. There is no excuses when it comes to God- he needs to be our number 1 priority! 
Everything I have mentioned here leads to the devil planting a seed in your heart and mind to grow weeds and nettles that can poison your intentions, actions, mind and heart. This ultimately produces sin and as a consequence of sin it makes us distanced from God himself as we begin to be oppressed by the ways of the devil and begin to be chained up with all unholy ways of living!
 We want a beautifully grown heart and mind with the seed of God where it grows unbelievable fruits and flowers- the happened best garden you've ever seen! Beauty lies within the heart when Jesus is there. With him you will become a new person, and God will provide you with all you need, he'll take off them worldly glasses and give you brand new ones where you can see the world in such a different way!

"For this wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's Sight."- 1 Corinthians 3:19

Wake UP!

We can't be lukewarm Christians where we have one foot deep into the world and one with Jesus- it doesn't work like that. Jesus wants all of you, not just when you sit and read a verse and then forget about it as you carry on with your worldly life. No- he wants you to be constantly in the WORD and apply it. This doesn't mean sitting down all day every day just reading- it's about even when you have to go about your daily life and you're still talking and praying to God when you can, as he is always there and sharing the word through how you're thinking about Jesus in situations and how he would handle them, it's about walking in the LIGHT  not the DARKNESS. It's about being that difference in the world that makes people stop and think ' wow Why are they so joyful? Why are they so kind and calm?'
Nobody is perfect- only the LORD is but we need to be doing what we can to be the walking light in this world and SHARE the Word of Jesus! 

"For the people of the world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light."- Luke 16:8

So, how can we be living IN this world and not OF it?

The way for us to not love the world and be of it is through JESUS- we need to have him in our lives. God will be chiselling away the ungodly traits within you, he will guide you down the narrow path which leads you to everlasting life! We need to be IN the Word not OF the world! Praise, pray and talk to God at every single chance you have for he is our creator and look at the beautiful things he has made and done for us! We need to be reading the Word and applying it to the world through our actions, mind set and through LOVING all! We must be the LIGHT in this dark world! Sharing the Word of Christ is so important as we need to pull people out of the darkness through Jesus!
A life with JESUS, GOD AND THE HOLY SPIRIT within you, around you and everywhere you look is greatest gift as you are filled with peace and joy, you have wisdom from God, you are walking the path of righteousness, you have God's personal guidance and a personal relationship with him, there's no loneliness as you have a friend in Jesus and a Father in God! All the anxiety and fear you feel which comes from the world will fade away when you put your love in, whole self in and prioritise God! We can sometimes fall into sin because we are human, but through Jesus we can be forgiven! This doesn't mean that we purposely sin because we know we can be forgiven- it means when we accept Jesus, repent and go on our journey and avoid sin but if we unintentionally fall into it or sin without knowing -we can be forgiven and guided through the word!

Finally: It is so importance to understand this difference between being OF the world and just living IN it! All glory goes to God as he has lead me to write this and I pray that it speaks to those who needs to hear it! For God loves you and he wants you to come to him- Jesus is standing in front of you with open arms waiting for you to take that step to him. I'm going to write down below a prayer that you can read out loud in case you want to make that change and accept Jesus and make the best change in your life!

♡ Thank you all for reading, I pray that the LORD speaks to you through this post that he has guided me to write and maybe guided you to read! Thank you LORD for all you have done for us, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share your Word in many ways! God Bless you all! Hope you have a lovely, joyful day! ♡



Dear LORD,
I come before you at this moment to say that I know that I am a sinner and that I need your forgiveness. I know that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and died for all my sins so that I did not have to take the punishment. I am willing to now make a change and turn away from my sins and ask for forgiveness as I accept Jesus Christ as my personal saviour into my heart. I pray that you please cleanse me of my all my sins and help me begin my new journey with you through guidance. I declare that I am saved in the name of Jesus. Thank you for all you have done for me! I pray you fill me with the Holy Spirit as I give my life to you,
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

♡ My Testimony: UPDATED ♡

Last year I shared my personal testimony and a lot has happened since then so I thought I would write an updated version! BUT before you r...