From studying the book of Ruth, there were a few things that I learnt and that I could apply to myself or even what we could all learn from! With that being said, I thought I would share some key ideas that I noted down through my study!
Just from reading chapter 1, I grasped a lot about Ruth as a person through how she handled the situation she was in! So my first few points are from just the first chapter:
♡ 1. Ruth is very kind-hearted as well as self-less as this is shown through how she put Naomi [her mother-in-law] before herself. Both of them had now lost their husbands and Naomi her children- but despite the pain from the loss Ruth may have felt she still prioritised Naomi unlike Oprah who just went!
How can we be more like Ruth Today?
We can be more like Ruth through re-evaluated who we put first in our lives. Of course, God is number 1 but do we just think about ourselves? God doesn't want us to be selfish- Jesus was never selfish- He died on the cross for our sins, he could have easily been selfish and put himself first through thinking about the pain he would have been in- but no, he did it through love! We should be prioritising the people around us out of love, not to just think about how it can benefit us- God does want us to step out in faith in times! Just think about the story of Peter and Jesus when walking on water! God wants us to sometimes step out, but with the focus on Jesus we can too walk on the water, but as soon as we drop that focus, we become panicked and begin to sink! We need to stop the whole attitude of " but what can I get out of this? but what about me?" because we need to be compassionate, caring and loving! Another thing I learnt from her is that what she said, she stuck to, she made a promise and kept it- sometimes life can get in the way of promises we have made, but through love of our neighbours, sometimes we need to try our hardest to make these things happen if it's the matter of helping someone else not just ourselves! If God had the attitude like we sometimes had, think of all them promises that would have been broken right now! God is so loving and compassionate to us- we need to show love in the world!
" Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay."- Ruth 1:16
♡ 2. What I learnt from Naomi in this chapter is that she has doubted God as well as even accuse him of 'afflicting' her as she even changes her name to 'Mara' because she states that the "Almighty has made my life very bitter".
What can we learn from this Today?
The first major thing we can learn is to NOT doubt God - not even the smallest bit! He may be silent but we need to remember in these times that he is still working for us, to give us something better- he doesn't want us to suffer , he's working even in his silence- he is always there! Another thing that I learnt is that falling away from faith can only make you BITTER- just see how Naomi blames God, as she is giving into evil because of her attitude towards God - rather than trusting she's putting God down! That is what the devil wants! In times like this, the devil will plant thoughts to make you doubt God because he doesn't want people to go to God- the devil will even dangle things that you want and desire infront of you to make you go off track and follow him instead! This is why we need to be firm and strong in our faith- of course we can get negative thoughts as nobody is perfect, but we need to be the ones who pray straight away to God to help you, or even tell the devil to just GO! The devil may think he's got the world in his hands, just remind him of where he is heading that will make him run a mile! Whenever we feel things whether it be happy or sad or angry- the first thing we should do is turn to God, not to the world which is filled with evil, manipulation and the devil!
Then I moved to the next chapter and this is where Boaz was introduced and then picked on some other points through what God had spoke to me that may help us:
♡ 3. Boaz is filled with kindness, something this world lacks for sure, he is loving to ALL not to just some people, but ALL as he has love for those who work for him, who work alongside him, strangers- everyone! Also, he always is praising the LORD- I found him to be someone who we should be like through the way he is filled with love and kindness and it's not a selfish or fake love, it's love that is within his heart through following the LORD! This showed me that I personally need to let down that guard more and love all, and show the joy that I have within my heart as Jesus is living there! Another thing is that we all should just be praising the LORD when we can, there's no need to be afraid or shy, we should be giving God all the glory and love! LOVE EVERYONE!!
♡ 4. God is working through Boaz and Ruth. God may seem silent, but he is working- he is working in ways you wouldn't think of! Nothing is impossible with God! He makes things happen through different paths and ways, as we may take the wrong turn but he will always re-route us! This is why we need to have FAITH always and TRUST in him! The LORD can use the most UNEXPECTED person in your favour, he's doing it for us because of the love he has for us! We just need to always trust in him, even in the times where we feel like he is silent!
♡ The OVERALL message: ♡
God is always working, even when it may seem not that way- he will always provide in his own timing! Our timing is never his timing- remember that!
The LORD will use the most unexpected people to speak, help and provide for you! Ruth stayed and Oprah went- Naomi thought there was no hope but God never left her, he stayed and walked with her through the tough times and rewarded her in the end as he always provides! God will answer your prayers. We must remember that God works in many ways and in his own timing as he wants the best for you!
How we can apply this to our life?
Remember that even when it feels like your prayers aren't being answered- he is working for you! Trust in the LORD always and he will provide! PATIENCE!
Be kind and self-less like Ruth as she also lost her husband too and was still putting Naomi first. Put God first and others before you- selfless, be loving and humble!
The good will come and God is always there! He is constantly guiding us and shaping us for the best!
Thank you for reading this! Thank you to the LORD for using me to write the post to help myself in ways to shape me as a person as well as for whoever was led to read this post today! All the praise to God- God Bless, hope you are having a lovely day/night whenever you are reading this!
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