" You are the light of the world."- Matthew 5:14
As a Christian, the Bible tells us that we are the light in the world- the light that shines in the darkness. But what does this exactly mean?
What does being the light mean?
From reading my Bible and with the guidance of God, I have come to an understanding on what this means. We need to be the light in this dark world for it is filled with sin! We can't be flickering, we can't be turned off because through having Jesus within us we are SHINING bright and we need to show the difference. Love is one of the differences we can make- show how you love not through words but actions through Christ, show that you love everyone as it should come from genuinely within - even your enemies. Kindness- this can be hard to find in this world so we need to be filled with it as we know we have it when we have Jesus as we can spread his Word, we can show it through our acts of helping those in need. BUT not be like those who help to brag or showcase how many people they have helped- but do it out of the good, kindness and love in your heart as that's where the Holy Spirit is living.
When I think of light, I think of it being bright, it allows you to see what you thought you could see in the darkness.
Jesus is the switch of our lights, if we turn that on that switch we are lit and are so bright and we can be the light in this dark world. With Jesus as the switch, he will never turn it off , the only way for us to turn it off is if we do through us turning away and becoming part of the darkness. We won't flicker like a bulb going out because God is everlasting and if we turn to him and never look back our lights will always stay bright because we have the switch of Jesus. We are the only reason for it flickering, that's when we need to look at ourselves and ask if I am putting God first or me and the world?
As soon as we turn that light on we can notice changes- things we couldn't see before when we were walking in the dark. Why? : Because without God we are nothing- we're like a light bulb that hasn't been turned on- we're meant to provide the light and the switch is right there, we need to find it and turn it on. This is just like how Jesus is standing there with his arms wide open and we are blinded by the world and have turned our backs but as soon as we turn around, and see him- he takes off that blindfold and you can see a whole new world and path. Without being the light, it's so easy to walk down the broad path because you know most people are walking down there as it's so easy to find. Where as with the light you can now see the narrow path and you can walk down there with God guiding you.
As soon as we turn that light on we can notice changes- things we couldn't see before when we were walking in the dark. Why? : Because without God we are nothing- we're like a light bulb that hasn't been turned on- we're meant to provide the light and the switch is right there, we need to find it and turn it on. This is just like how Jesus is standing there with his arms wide open and we are blinded by the world and have turned our backs but as soon as we turn around, and see him- he takes off that blindfold and you can see a whole new world and path. Without being the light, it's so easy to walk down the broad path because you know most people are walking down there as it's so easy to find. Where as with the light you can now see the narrow path and you can walk down there with God guiding you.
" The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."- John 1:5
How can I find that switch?
If you're wondering where or how you can find that switch to turn on your light- it's simple. Turn to Jesus, know he is your saviour and that he died on the cross for your sins and repent of all your sins! Accept Jesus into his heart! Once you do that, everything falls into place, you'll be filled with a peace and with a new kind of love you didn't think was possible! Get your heads into your Bibles and absorb the Word and meditate on it so you can apply it to your life now. All the answers are in there because that is God's Word! God is always there for us, we just need to talk to him, praise him - through Jesus he hears our prayers and he can guide us down that narrow path leading to everlasting life!
"The faithful love of the LORD never ends!"- Lamentations 3:22
With God , there is no end to his love - he will always provide- nothing is impossible to him! SO, turn to Jesus- become the light in this dark world and spread the love of Christ and the Word of God!
Ways for me to shine my light:
1. One of the major ways to shine your light is through sharing the Word- to be able to spread the Word you need to be reading it yourself and absorbing it so you can gain understanding and wisdom!
2. Fear the LORD, not the world! Don't give into the world and the devil- satan wants you to be scared of him as it opens a gateway for him to plant fears and doubts! He wants you to move away from God and come more into the world! With God- be firm in your faith and FEAR HIM ONLY!
3. One of the greatest commandments in the Bible and the most important- as said by Jesus himself- is to love God and love others! This is where "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." - Galatians 5:14 Comes into place as we need to be loving one another not just through words but through actions! Neighbour is everyone- your enemies included! You should bless them not curse them! This is where people will notice a difference and your light will come through as they see that you are slow to anger! We should helping our brothers and sisters in Christ when we can- reach our our hands to them and help them! Give God ALL the glory!
4. Our ways will be changed through God's guidance- but we should be trying to be more like Jesus in his characteristics and actions- he always showed love, he showed love for God and everybody else! He followed the commandments set out by our Father and he respected them! He prayed to God and praised him! He spread the Word of God- he understood the scriptures and applied it to his life! He was unbelievably kind- he stood up for God in the temple! We should grow to these characteristics as Jesus lives in us! The Holy Spirit will guide us and our mind - we need to pray -repent and spread the Word!
5. We should forgive others as God forgives us! God won't forgive us if we can't even forgive our brothers and sisters- how can we expect him to! This shines the light in this dark world as people hold on to grudges and don't forgive in this world today- so we need to show love through forgiving all!
6. Avoidance of sin- yes we can fall into it but we shouldn't be looking out of our way to join it and have a mentality of ' Oh I can repent'! NO! Let me stop you there- that is the devil talking, he wants you to abuse God's love and faithfulness and compassion! There is a difference between knowing and wanting to sin or that your about to sin and not knowing that you did sin! God will correct us and speak to us if we don't know what we are doing is a sin- he has done it to me and he showed me a scripture to show me the way!
7. Wear the Armour of God:
This is what I made on the Armour of God for those who are unsure on what exactly it is-
All Glory goes to God as he has guided me with this post as I started it a week or so ago and struggled to finish it- but he has showed me the way and spoke through me today and I pray it speaks to at least one of you!

Thank you for reading this! Thanks to God for guiding you to read this and for him giving me this opportunity to write this message which he has led me to do! He knows all things and he is there for you at any time! Turn to Jesus, accept him as your saviour, that he died on the cross for you and repent of your sins so you too can be saved and become the light in this world!
God Bless you all- have a wonderful day! ♡
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