If there is ONE message that I want to put across today it is that:
Time is coming to an end, we don't know when the end is as only God knows that but it is so important that we are serving the LORD, sharing his Word and helping people turn to Jesus! For those who don't/ do believe but are unsure- I pray that this post guides or helps you and that God speaks to you so you too can turn to Jesus, repent of your sins and accept him as your Saviour before it is too late! Fellow brothers and sister's: We must keep sharing the Word and spreading love all over the world because you know how we are living in the last days as Jesus has shown us the signs throughout the Bible. Make sure you are right with God before it too late! ♡
Throughout my recent Bible studies, I have been constantly guided to one major thing throughout the Bible- the end times. God even recently spoke to me through a dream that I had about it that I will share at the end of my post! I know God is showing me these things to prepare me as a Christian as well as to share the Word and help people come to him!
A few weeks ago I was reading 1 and 2 Timothy , and it really spoke to me as when I was reading it, it felt like I could relate everything to what is happening in this world right now! I was so amazed by how powerful and amazing God is because he truly is! One major theme throughout the end times is the emphasis on false prophets and doctrines as well as being firm in our faith. Now we are in the end times, we more than ever need to be growing and being firm in our faith and relationship with God, we need to be working on it and worshipping, praising , talking to him, reading the Word, acting on it and spreading it! We need to be so aware of the things that are happening around us , we can't just sit there and be blind to it, things that the Bible have told us will happen in the last days are happening right now!
What do you mean it's the Last Days?
" The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, who consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry, and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth." - 1 Timothy 1:1-3
" But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self- control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."- 2 Timothy 3:1-5
God is telling us even from when the Bible was written back them about today. All these things are happening as I even type this post. Everywhere you look, people showing off their money and wanting money, being money minded, wanting loads of money, loving themselves and giving into their own selfish desires- Social Media is filled with it! People will slander against their exes, family, friends and not forgive when somebody has does something wrong- instead they gossip and show them cruelty. People are so vain and proud of themselves, it's everywhere- this is me just picking up ONE of MANY things that are happening around us.
Look at the amount of people turning against one another, countries who are against one another, " Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom."- Matthew 24:7
When the disciples ask Jesus about the last days Jesus tells them how there's going to be "famines and earthquakes in various places."- Matthew 24:7 - I could pull up so many articles of them happening over the past years- they are happening all around us! Yet these are what the start is , and we have been going through this for many years- For 1,000 years here is only a day in Heaven- it's God's timing.
" Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me." -Matthew 24:9 - This is happening, if you google Christian persecutions, they are there! Non- Christians have such wrath for us in today's world, they mock us and laugh at us and argue against the truth BUT Jesus has warned us! These things are happening!
If you want an insight to events that have been happening but haven't been put on the news- I suggest watching 'The Two Preacher' on YouTube! It opened my eyes to what is going on behind the media- we must keep watch it's even said in the Bible! "Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your LORD is coming." Matthew 24:42
We need to be aware of these things happening and alert because we need to be prepared as we do not know when the LORD is coming.
" Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."- Matthew 24:12
In today's generation, there is so much bitterness and vengeance and so little love and Jesus told us this, there has been such a rise within crime and wickedness it's hard to hear anything positive on the news anymore nowadays, but that's why we have to stand together as brothers and sisters in Christ till the end and just spread the word and love of Jesus Christ no matter what evil may try come knocking on our door because we have God and God is the most powerful EVER!
How can WE be prepared?
One major way for us to be prepared is through us going deep into the Word and understanding it. Whether it being about the end times or about your own character or to seek help, we need to seek God before anything else and one way of that is through the Bible as he will speak to us through his Word! Another way, is to keep praying , and talk to God- want to thank him? Praise him, Pray to thank. Want to ask for something? Pray and talk to him- he will answer!
He is our Father and he will be coming to bring his children home! We need to remember that we are his children, he is waiting for us, and we are waiting for that day that only he knows! Another way to be prepared is through who we surround ourselves with, we need to stick together and SPREAD THE WORD as individuals and together as we are brothers and sisters! Yes, we will have non-believers around us, of course- and through them we still can witness to them through the Word as well as through us being the light in this world! By being the light, we need to be joyful and show Jesus' love and compassion through our ways as well as spreading the Word of God!
"Have nothing to do with such people."- 2 Timothy 3:5
By this Paul is showing us that we shouldn't be part of their ways as sometimes you can get mislead by friends- it's all about us being firm in our faith. Remember- we are in the world and shouldn't be of it! We are not perfect in any way- this is why we need JESUS and to help people turn to him!
God will guide us to the right people and we can spread his Word and love! We have got to be walking right with God, it's not about knowing the Bible inside and out to just recite verses and verses- God wants a special personal relationship with us, he wants us to understand the Word and not to just read it to remember it like we have a massive quiz on it. No-one is better than the other for knowing the Bible more, we are all equally loved by Jesus, when we sin, our sins are equal no matter what! We need to up lift one another through the love of Jesus Christ and the Word!
He is our Father and he will be coming to bring his children home! We need to remember that we are his children, he is waiting for us, and we are waiting for that day that only he knows! Another way to be prepared is through who we surround ourselves with, we need to stick together and SPREAD THE WORD as individuals and together as we are brothers and sisters! Yes, we will have non-believers around us, of course- and through them we still can witness to them through the Word as well as through us being the light in this world! By being the light, we need to be joyful and show Jesus' love and compassion through our ways as well as spreading the Word of God!
"Have nothing to do with such people."- 2 Timothy 3:5
By this Paul is showing us that we shouldn't be part of their ways as sometimes you can get mislead by friends- it's all about us being firm in our faith. Remember- we are in the world and shouldn't be of it! We are not perfect in any way- this is why we need JESUS and to help people turn to him!
God will guide us to the right people and we can spread his Word and love! We have got to be walking right with God, it's not about knowing the Bible inside and out to just recite verses and verses- God wants a special personal relationship with us, he wants us to understand the Word and not to just read it to remember it like we have a massive quiz on it. No-one is better than the other for knowing the Bible more, we are all equally loved by Jesus, when we sin, our sins are equal no matter what! We need to up lift one another through the love of Jesus Christ and the Word!
Thank you for reading this! This is only an insight to the Last Days as for today this is what I've been led to talk about! Comment or Message/Tweet me any posts you'd like me to write on whether it's a topic, Bible story, end times or even for a 'When you're feeling...' ! I'd like to thank God for providing me with this opportunity to speak out to whoever has been lead to read this! Let's spread the Word of Jesus Christ and Spread LOVE!
God Bless! Hope you have a wonderful day!
On the night I had this dream, I had continuous dreams that seemed to follow on from one another- they all linked with the end times!
One of them started where all Christian women and men were split up and we were all almost piled up together and they're were men and women dressed in black killing us. One man was stoned to death but he looked still filled with Joy because he knew where he was heading! The one man who stoned him looked straight at me and I can still remember his face even a week on from the dream, he had a weird black hat on that led to a point, black hair and two curls that came either down out either side of his face! The floor was all cobbled up, and next to me and my nan was a shopping centre, and I was trying to protect her by telling her to slide in the centre without being seen. But then I woke up!
Then I went back to sleep and myself and my boyfriend were in this building that we were working but everyone there knew we were Christians and plotted against us- there was one guy there that we both made friends with and my boyfriend had a headset on to speak through( his number was 312,), but the friend came out to us as he knew we were hiding and he shook our hands and kissed our cheeks. All of a sudden, 3 women had 3 different guns and were shooting at us. One was tiny ( this women was a lot older,) and one was like a bow ( This woman had blonde straight hair like the women in the previous dream, still wearing all black,)- and they were all shooting and chasing us but not one bullet reached us because we had God guarding us! As we were running away- I dropped my phone, then never picked it up because myself and boyfriend were just running.
Then I woke up- went back to sleep and this was the last chunk of my dream so bare with haha! Throughout this dream, me and my boyfriend are NON STOP running and holding hands, we are never once out of breath, never stop to rest, we just keep running! We were running to get away, and were running through the streets, and most people were out on the streets because EVERYONE was just manic! There was people selling drugs and stealing them- violence- stealing off people- just everywhere! But throughout this, we were calm, never scared because we just kept praying out loud and praising God. Someone tried to sell us drugs but I shouted you need Jesus not drugs! God was constantly protecting us! Then one person was trying to grab my shoes while I was running, so I literally just flicked them off for him, and I still was running despite not having any shoes on, just socks on the concrete floor- still running, still not stopping! We had SO much strength and energy! Usually I can't even run for a second without getting out of breath so this was a shock haha! One guy, was wearing a open shirt, shades and was strolling past us, he did not have any fear, he shook my boyfriends hand- he was calm like us and just kept walking! Then a man in a black suit, black shades, black car (Range Rover with tinted black windows) was trying to follow us and get us as if he was part of the government or something along them lines! But we still didn't stop running- at one point I tried to use a bike, but I couldn't ride it so all we did was keep running without getting out of breath! I asked my boyfriend where we were running to and he replied 'the Ocean' but then God spoke in my ear to say go join the others who were lined up praying and praising God- so we did! The people that were there were people you wouldn't have even thought would be there- it was amazing, we joined them and my dream ended with me starting a worship song to praise God as everyone joined in!
Then I woke up, shared it with my boyfriend and parents- and my dad told me to read Isaiah 40:31.
This gave me reassurance on the reason why I could keep running without being out of breath constantly, I just kept going!
The end times are now and we need to be prepared- this dream really showed me as I still now can picture the scenes of my dream and what happened exactly and it's been like a week! That's how I know it's from God! We need to turn to Jesus and spread his Word before it's too late!
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