This World Needs Love.

" Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ "
Matthew 22:37‭-‬39 NKJV

Jesus tells us that love is the most important commandment, we must firstly love God and our neighbour as ourselves. But what exactly does this mean?

1. Loving God with ALL our hearts, soul and minds. God is our Father, full of love and compassion as well as mercy! He is our creator! He is always there for us! It is so important to love God, this is through our obedience as well as putting Him before all things. In this world, you can often slip into the mentality that 'this' is so important, which then begins to replace what you are putting first. This is idolatry. Putting anything above or before our LORD! Place your focus on Jesus. Tune in to the Holy Spirit. Don't be consumed with this world. With everything we do, give the glory to God, give Him all the praise and thanks! Put Him before everything. In every aspect of our lives, we must put Him there! Love the Lord- a genuine LOVE for Him! He loved us before we loved Him!

2. Loving our neighbour as our selves. Neighbours refers to everyone in this world, whether they are your family, friends, someone from a different religion, different part of the world or even your enemy. Love them truly. Bless your enemies, not curse them. Put God first, put others before yourself. Treat them as you would want to be treated. Loving our neighbours with a genuine love, from Jesus who lives within, is not to just do something for show. It is not always about giving money. It can be genuinely being there for someone, and caring for them. Praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ, praying for those in need. It's about spreading kindness, to spread the love of Jesus. Jesus is love. When they see you, make them wonder why you are different- it is because JESUS lives within you! Spread His love. It might be as simple as a smile and conversation to someone who looks down- change someones day- shine Christ! Spread how amazing Christ is and His love for us all! 

Why is this SO important as Christians?

This world is filled with hatred, bitterness, darkness and evil- day by day the world becomes that bit more wicked and corrupt. This world needs Jesus, to see His light, love and glory.  This world is blind to satan's traps and deception. Spreading the light is so important as we are in the last days. This is through spreading love, showing the world how amazing God's love is for us. Spreading kindness and love- having a gentle spirit. Not travelling in the direction of this world and its ways. Not holding a grudge and gossiping about someone who has done wrong across you. Not insulting others. Not promoting hatred. It's about spreading love into this dark world. We must go against the direction of the world. We are not here to fit in with the world- but to be different for we are set apart.
This love is not for show, it is not to boast. It is to be genuine, it is genuine from Christ. He gives us that pure love. God shows us daily what true love is- because He is love!

How will you make a difference and spread love?

All glory to the LORD.  Thank you for reading this post. Hope you have a blessed day! God Bless xx

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