There are times in our Christian walk where we become overwhelmed, unsure where we are meant to be and more. These times require us to just be still. As God tells us to 'Be still and know that I Am God.' We must obey this, and stop rushing around this crazy life. It calls for a refresh.
What do I mean by 'refresh'?
- Set your priorities straight. When you rise, do you start your day with Jesus or with the world? This can really set the tone for your day, when we do not give God our day, our first waking moments- just our time in general- we can be setting our day up to just be crazy. God wants us to put Him first, and what is better than starting your day with Him? Ask for His guidance- He is always MORE than enough! God is greater than this world, than your plans, than your chaos. He is the only one who can set your paths straight.
- Do all for the glory of God. In everything we do, it should be to please God not ourselves and this world. Pleasing God means doing things for others, not out of a boasting or un-genuine love, but put others before yourself. It means, thanking and praising God throughout your day, giving Him the glory! It means, acting on the Word not just reading it to say you have read it. It means, walking in love and the Spirit, not by lust and the flesh. Ask yourself when doing anything, is this pleasing God? or is this pleasing my selfish desires? Am I actually seeking God's will or is it your own?
- Take care of yourself. The Bible clearly states how our bodies are the temple and dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. So, take care of it! It does not mean going on a mad disciplined diet, but look after it! Drink water, eat well, exercise and keep clean. In most cases, our presentation is what the world looks at- before we open our mouths, they see your presentation. We are meant to have a gentle and quiet spirit, our fruits are to produce good. But presentation is also how you physically present yourself.
- Renew your mind. Your mind is the battlefield for satan to trick, deceive and deflate you. So, that calls for you to constantly renew your mind. How do we do this? Turn to God in prayer, turn to His word, call upon the name of Jesus! When we are not in the Word it is so easy to slip into the worldly mentality, that is why we must renew our minds with the Holy Spirit's guidance when reading the Word. Put on your armour of God. We may lose some battles, but we will win the war! Jesus has already won- remember that!
My overall message to you is that is okay to ask God for a refresh- He knows. If anything He wants us to constantly be coming to Him! He is our Father. It is okay to be stuck in chaos and to ask for help because God will pull you out- just ask Him. It is okay to just stop, because God wants us to be still and focus on Him. This world is evidentially a playground for satan, he constantly wants to trip up believers. So when you feel lost, know that Jesus will guide you home. When you feel trapped, know that Jesus will free you. When you are confused, know that Jesus will give you understanding. Jesus is always the answer.
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
I Corinthians 6:19
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Exodus 14:14
Thank you for reading this! God Bless you all!
Be Kingdom Minded!