One of the best ways for God to speak to us is through the Bible- His Word! When we dedicate our time to God, He will speak to us, guide us, even bless us! Jesus wants all of us, not some of us, not half, not a percentage nor share with the world -no. He wants us all! He literally died on the cross for us ALL- ALL of Him!
Make time for Jesus
Where it is waking up earlier to start your day, whether it's late at night, in the day- make time for the LORD! He literally gives us His all, and at times we don't even show Him how much He means to us! I join you to make sure you dedicate a time of your day to Jesus with me! He deserves all our time- remember we are here to serve God not the world and it's desires!
Act on the Word
Don't just read the Word being half-hearted and in a rush, dedicate your time, every minute! Soak up the Word and act on it- apply it to your life and make a change! Don't be disengaged with the Word, you won't grasp the full picture God wants you too- give your time and act on it!
What is God telling me?
When you are doing your Bible Study, quiet time etc, think about this - what is God telling me? Why has He led me here? He has a meaning behind why you have read this, even if you flicked the page and just come across it- God did this on purpose- what is the Holy Spirit revealing and why? Don't just read for the sake of it.
Here are the printables which can help you with your Bible Time! Feel free to download them and print them for yourself!

Hope you have a lovely day! I hope these help with your Bible Time and that God guides and reveals to you what He wants you to know and even to share! Thank you for taking the time to check this out! Thank you LORD for guiding me to do this series, I pray it helps at least one person LORD!
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