Have you ever felt like your mind is an absolute mess? Like it is so fuzzy that you can't even see past the cloud- or like you are thinking 1,000 thoughts at once? Something that I went through not so long is just that, it's like you can't even open your eyes because your mind is just a fuzz. I felt like I couldn't escape the thousands of thoughts, like I had to think them all at once.
That was until I realised what I was missing. My mind was so fuzzy because I had shifted Jesus from my focus, I let my mind become a occupant of the things of this world and not fully on Jesus. In times like this, we literally just need to be still but also, we need to re-align and reset ourselves with Jesus. This is about laying everything at His feet, giving Him control back of everything that occupies you and your life- it is about asking God to take out the things He doesn't want and to place/keep what He does. It calls for a time to examine ourselves to look at what we have been consuming and asking God to clear it & then re-aligning us with Him.
The moment I sat down with worship blasting through my ears and with my journal and some pens, I promise you that there and then God started to cleanse the fuzzy mess to bring my focus back to Him. I had a peace cover me, my mind no longer thinking thousands of thoughts but it was being re-centred back to Jesus! Sometimes we can go off on one, but you know who is always there waiting to grab us in His arms? Yep, you got it, Jesus. No matter how many steps you have taken, He still will have His arms waiting for you. Countless times we can get eaten up by this world, and countless times God has grace & mercy to bring me back on the narrow path. Sometimes in this crazy life, we need reminding of who holds our future and who holds everything from beginning to forever and it is HIM! Praise the Lord that He has a plan for each and every one of us because we would be walking in twenty different directions at once. He has a reason behind every turn, every direction and every path but it is to ultimately keep you on the narrow path that few find to reach Him in eternity.
So, do not panic on those days where your mind feels messy and your life feels messy, God is waiting for you to just simply turn to Him- to fix the chaos back into His peace. He is always letting us know that He is there and He is the answer for all your needs. He turned my fuzzy mind to a clear, peaceful space. He has re-aligned me to seek His will and not my own nor this worlds.
Lord, keep us walking down the narrow path, keep us focused on You, let it be You that occupies our minds and lives and not this world. Reset us Jesus, we need you every day. Even though we may feel fuzzy and messy, remind us that all we need is You, because You alone can turn the chaos into peace.
In Jesus' name, Amen
God Bless! Thank you for reading! ♡