♡ Quiet Time with God Series- Bible Time ♡

One of the best ways for God to speak to us is through the Bible- His Word! When we dedicate our time to God, He will speak to us, guide us, even bless us! Jesus wants all of us, not some of us, not half, not a percentage nor share with the world -no. He wants us all! He literally died on the cross for us ALL- ALL of Him! 

Make time for Jesus
Where it is waking up earlier to start your day, whether it's late at night, in the day- make time for the LORD! He literally gives us His all, and at times we don't even show Him how much He means to us! I join you to make sure you dedicate a time of your day to Jesus with me! He deserves all our time- remember we are here to serve God not the world and it's desires!

Act on the Word
Don't just read the Word being half-hearted and in a rush, dedicate your time, every minute! Soak up the Word and act on it- apply it to your life and make a change! Don't be disengaged with the Word, you won't grasp the full picture God wants you too- give your time and act on it!

What is God telling me?
When you are doing your Bible Study, quiet time etc, think about this - what is God telling me? Why has He led me here? He has a meaning behind why you have read this, even if you flicked the page and just come across it- God did this on purpose- what is the Holy Spirit revealing and why? Don't just read for the sake of it.

Here are the printables which can help you with your Bible Time! Feel free to download them and print them for yourself!

Hope you have a lovely day! I hope these help with your Bible Time and that God guides and reveals to you what He wants you to know and even to share! Thank you for taking the time to check this out! Thank you LORD for guiding me to do this series, I pray it helps at least one person LORD!



♡ Back to Uni, College or School- as a Christian? ♡

So the time is coming near- back to school season- you've got all your pens, books and your brand new bag- but something is missing? You're not spiritually prepared?
As a Christian in school can be challenging as it's a time of wanting to fit in which could lead you to being dragged along in the world's way not God's way. We need to avoid this at all costs, because that's where you become either a luke warm Christian or completely turn away- basically letting the devil win.

How can we avoid this?
It's simple. God is the answer. 
1. Prayer- Seek God in this time leading up or even when you are there. Pray that 
He guides you to the right friends, that are even Christian themselves to help you uplift one another along your walk! Pray also for protection, that you are safe from any evil , and that you keep focused on God! Don't let the world get in the way!
2. Make that difference- I know as humans, our nature is to want to fit into the crowds of school, work and society- but why? Standing out is a lot better, so be the light in school, make people question what it is about you that's difference! It's a great way to spread God's glory too! We must not conform to this world, so definitely don't try to fit into it- that is not why were here, we are here to serve the LORD! 
3. Spread Love, Kindness and be forgiving! This ties in with the previous point, but to show that difference we must spread love through our actions as well as kindness! There's a difference between being kind and then being walked all over- with God, you can stand against anything- that means God will guide you and help you when we seek Him! There is most likely going to be a time where someone does something across you or is really trying to wind you up- pray for them and forgive them- bless them not curse them! We must love all one another!
4. Wear the Armour of God! This is an important one too, this is something that we must be putting on every single day! Before you go to school or college, uni, even work- pray to God and put that armour on, helping you go throughout your day fully equipped! 
5. Mornings- They can be rushed if you choose too, it can be a battle if you choose to- don't let it. Make more time, start by waking up that little bit earlier and speak to God and be in the Word! The best way to start your day is with Jesus! It will set you off for the rest of the day!
This one is more for the university students! You do not have to join in with the drinking and partying path- seek God, He will guide you! Read Proverbs 20:1- Ask yourself, what is more important- to be cool and right with the world or to be right with God?
" Wine is a mocker, Strong drink is a brawler. And whoever is led astray by it is not wise." 
Pray for wisdom-  I turned to Proverbs 20:1 and that's when God pressed this idea on my heart because I know it can be hard when it comes to this as you want to fit in! Trust me, God will make a way for you to find the right crowd, don't fall into satan's trap that drinking is the only way to fit in- it's a lie! Having wisdom is way better to seek and have than being seen as foolish by God! Satan wants you to drink, because you lose control of your mind so it's easy for him to creep in and devour you! Scripture tells us to be sober, that means not getting drunk or being intoxicated because the devil will come running at you as you fall into his trap! Be strong in your faith and be sober- focus on God at all times! It can get hard with work loads increasing, but you have Jesus to help you every step of the way!

Remember, you can make it a battle if you choose to, seek God and ask and you'll receive! He is there for us in every circumstance, every minute, any time, any place- Jesus is there with His arms wide open for us! You have Jesus along the entire way! You never know what God has in store, whether it being a chance to witness and spread His Word and glory in school or that you find friends who will guide you in the right direction! How amazing is He? He will provide!

Thank you LORD, for blessing all of us, with the chance to even have an opportunity to spread your love and glory! I pray we all can use school, college, university or work to spread your Word LORD and that we can all be that light and set an example! Thank you LORD- In Jesus' Name Amen!
I hope you all have an amazing school year and that God continues to guide you and bless you as you grow in your walk and faith! Thank you for reading this- God pressed this on my heart to write today and I hope it helps even one of you! God Bless, have an amazing day!

Instagram- graceoverpride
Twitter- graceoverpride_
Pinterest- graceoverpride

♡ Quiet Time with God Series- PRAYER ♡

One of the most powerful, amazing ways to spend quiet time with the LORD is through prayer! This can be to just talk to Him throughout the day, to seek Him, give thanks to Him, asking literally anything! Can you believe we actually have the chance to seek the LORD in ALL we do! We can actually speak to Him any time we want, any hour, day, moment, night- anywhere!
One of the most important ways to grow in your relationship with God is to have quiet time with prayer! This is means having a place where it is just you and God, no distractions, no one around, just you and Him! Trust me it's one of the best feelings in the world! You literally have Him to yourself, as you speak to Him and seek Him!

On my Instagram, I challenged anyone who read my post to make time for Jesus, but this time I want to challenge you to make time to start your day, alone and in a quiet place by yourself, to seek God just you and Him this week! 
God can hear you in your mind when you pray, when you whisper, shout, sing- anything He can hear you- He is so powerful and amazing!
I created a prayer sheet which can help with your quiet time, because you can actually write your prayers to Him- this is a way you can also look back on to see how and when He answered you! You will be amazed!!
Here are the print outs I made! Feel free to save them, download then and print them off so you can have more quiet time with God! I pray these help you and help you grow in your relationship with Jesus as well as your faith!
There are 4 sheets to chose from, or you can use them all!- ( save the pictures or download by clicking the name here of what you want!) :
1. Blank
2. Flower
3. Space
4. Colour

I hope this helps you to grow closer to God! Have a lovely day! God Bless- spread love, happiness and most importantly God's Word and love! 

♡ Quiet Time with God- Series ♡

One of the most important things is to have quiet time with God, this can cover a few things such as prayer, Bible time, praise and worship and listening! With the guidance of God, I have created a new series which I'll be doing on my blog which is called 'Quiet Time with God'! This is to help those who want to get closer to God, and who want to have more quiet time! Sometimes our days can be jam packed with worldly tasks and we can forget to have or prioritise the most important thing of all- God!

In this series, I have created some printables which you can print for yourself and complete in your quiet time with God! 

Check out my social medias to keep updated when I post so you don't miss it! 
Instagram- @graceoverpride
Twitter- @graceoverpride_

Thank you for reading! Keep an eye out for my next post!
God Bless 

♡ My Testimony: UPDATED ♡

Last year I shared my personal testimony and a lot has happened since then so I thought I would write an updated version! BUT before you r...